use menstrual cup menstrual cup retroverted uterus possible

Can a menstrual cup be used with a retroverted uterus?

Many people have a retroverted uterus: this physical feature affects between 20 and 25% of people.

There is no need to worry about this, as the orientation of the uterus has no effect on daily life, menstruation or pregnancy. 

But is it possible to use a menstrual cup with a retroverted uterus? There are some subtleties to understand. 

What is a retroverted uterus?

For the majority of people who have it, the uterus is forward-facing and rests on the bladder.
But for 1 in 4 or 5 people, the uterus is tilted backwards. There is no need to worry about this, as it does not affect your fertility, your periods or even your pregnancies.

Because the uterus usually repositioned itself naturally forward before the 4th month of pregnancy. If this is not the case, your midwife or gynaecologist can reposition it manually.

It is therefore a simple "physical characteristic", a bit like the colour of your eyes or your hair (except that it would seem that it is not hereditary...)


In 75-80% of cases, the uterus is anteriorly oriented. This is called an anteverted uterus and looks like this:

uterus antevers diagram


In 20-25% of cases, the uterus is oriented backwards. This is called a retroverted uterus, and it looks like this: 

 retroverted uterus diagram

Can a menstrual cup be used with a retroverted uterus?

Menstrual cup and retroverted uterus are in most cases a working pair: as the cup is positioned in the vagina, the orientation of the uterus often has no impact on the fit or comfort of your cup.

You see : 

menstrual cup and retroverted uterus

The essential check to do when using a cup with a retroverted uterus.

If the cervix is very strongly oriented towards the front (almost horizontal), the cup should be positioned low, almost at the entrance to the vagina, in order to avoid leaks.

This makes La Cup Luneale particularly suitable because it has no stem.

This also means that if your cervix is very low (less than 5cm from the vaginal entrance) AND very forward facing, the cup may not be for you.

Only in this case, using the cup with a retroverted uterus can be a problem.

menstrual cup and retroverted uterus with low neck impossible


We hope this article has answered your questions! If you have any other questions, please let us know in the comments.

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  • Thank you! I finally understand why I always leak (or 6 times out of 7)
    I suspected it but my gynecologist told me it was impossible and be careful with the IUD, no cup anyway with bleeding periods. I'm sorry for the glam but I'm reassured. Just read the article cup and IUD 😅.

    Silvana on

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